OUR BOOK “Sacred Spiral” is now available!
hello friends and family from across the world our book our book sacred spiral is now available for purchase.
email us with your name and address and we will send you a signed copy.

Some recent reviews:
“Sacred Spiral is an amazing book illustrated and written by the amazing Aspen Song kids of Taos Pueblo of which I had the pleasure and honor of meeting personally. These stories are written from their hearts about life in the Pueblo. I highly recommend this book !” – Carla Audis
“I bought several copies and shared one with my sister who shared it with a friend who works with tribes, they liked it very much. The children paint on pieces of wood and write poems to go with their artwork. It is a beautiful project with kids of many ages mentored by a caring young man.” – Suzy the Gardener
“The Taos Pueblo [people] of New Mexico are living as their ancestors did while trying to preserve their culture, heritage, traditions, and language through art. This beautiful book is a compilation of paintings and descriptions of daily life as seen through the eyes of Aspen Song Kids, children of the Taos Pueblo of Northern New Mexico.” – Steven E. Beiswenger